
Photo Manipulation


What is it?

  • Photo manipulation is the act of altering a photo using computer software to improve the look, beauty and readability of the image. Frequently it’s difficult for a viewer to differentiate between a manipulated image and reality.

Who uses it?

  • Photo manipulation is a tool used by photographers, photojournalists, photo editors, graphic designers and others working in visual communications, communication design, visual arts, mass media, content design, page layout, and related fields.

What’s it about?

  • Photo manipulation creatively combines and modifies elements of a photo to produce a unique image that is convincing to a viewer. Manipulation gives a photo a realistic view of an unreal picture. The entire manipulation process is subjective.After they are shot, many photos turn out to need small corrections, adjustments or modifications. For instance, as the result of such factors as technical characteristics of the camera or the weather or available lighting they may need perfecting or enhancing. In addition, many photos today are “photoshopped” to satisfy the imagination and creativity of a photographer.

    The widely-used term photoshopped comes from the brand name of the most popular image manipulation software, Photoshop from Adobe Systems Incorporated.


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